Ultrasol CalMag

Fully water-soluble fertilizer contains three elements (calcium, magnesium, nitrogen) in one formula. The presence of calcium and magnesium in the form of nitrates enhances quick response.

A fully soluble fertilizer contains three elements (calcium, magnesium, and nitrogen) in one formula. The presence of calcium and magnesium in the form of nitrates enhances the quick response of plants in absorbing nutrients due to the synergistic relationship between nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg). This helps in building strong plants, increasing photosynthetic rates, and promoting leaf growth during the vegetative stage of plant growth.

Technical information

ComponentEnglish TranslationPercentage
سماد التراسول كالماجUltrasol CalMag 
النيتروجين الكليTotal N13.5%
نيتروجين نتراتيNitrate Nitrogen (N-NO3)13.1%
نيتروجين امونيوميAmmonium Nitrogen (N-NH4)0.4%
أكسيد ماغنسيومMagnesium Oxide (MgO)6.0%
أكسيد كالسيومCalcium Oxide (CaO)16.7%
رقم الحموضةpH6-7

The importance of nitrogen in the form of calcium and magnesium nitrates:

  • It is directly absorbed by plants, resulting in rapid and noticeable growth.
  • It reduces nitrogen loss through volatilization as ammonia or leaching as nitrates.
  • It is the best source of nitrogen, especially in salt-affected soils, due to the ability of both calcium and magnesium to replace sodium.
  • It increases the plants’ ability to absorb potassium, calcium, and magnesium from the soil.

Physiological functions of nitrogen in plants:

  • Nitrogen is involved in the formation of amino acids, which are the building blocks of plant proteins.
  • Nitrogen is required for the formation of all enzymes.
  • It contributes to the formation of chlorophyll in plants.
  • Nitrogen is involved in the formation of protoplasm.

Physiological functions of calcium in plants:

  • Calcium does not contribute to the formation of any organic compounds within the plant, but it participates in the formation of calcium pectate, which is the middle lamella and a component of the plant cell wall.
  • Calcium helps neutralize excess acidity resulting from increased organic acids within plants. Legumes, in particular, require large amounts of calcium.
  • Calcium is believed to be related to nitrogen absorption and assimilation within plants.
  • Calcium is necessary for the growth of meristematic cells, root tips, and flower development.

Physiological functions of magnesium in plants:

  • Magnesium is involved in the formation of chlorophyll, as green plants cannot perform photosynthesis in its absence.
  • It is associated with the formation of oils in plants. Seeds containing high oil content are found to have high levels of magnesium, as oil formation only occurs in the presence of magnesium.
  • It affects the transport of phosphorus within the plant and appears to be linked to phosphorus metabolism.
  • Magnesium is vital for activating several enzymes, including co-carboxylase and anylase.

Features of Trasol-Kalmag:

  1. It consists of small, fully soluble granules in water without leaving any residue that could affect modern irrigation systems.
  2. It is a compound free of chlorine, sodium, and heavy elements.
  3. It can be used in salt-affected soils due to its content of calcium and magnesium elements.
  4. It enhances the plants’ ability to absorb potassium, calcium, and magnesium in the soil.