Ultrasol Magnum P44

Phosphorus is similar to nitrogen in terms of its importance to plants.
although it is tound in plant tissues in quantities less than nitrogen
and potassium. Ine plant absorbs tnis element to meet its needs for
various vital processes such as photosynthesis, formation of
ntentions. cel division, seed tormation, regulation of cellular
processes and transter of genetc traits Ihis element also playsa key
ole in the formation of energy venicles. Altnough the soil content
may be signihcant in total phosphorus. the growing plant may suter
from phosphorus dethiciency due to the presence of phosphorus in
the form of non-plant-friendly compounds
.High melting fertilizer compared to all high phosphorus fertiizers as allelements are 100% completely soluble in water in
addition to containing the small nutrient group
.t can be used spray on the leaves or in addition to the soil directly in adition to its use through drip irmigation, axdial
.Eariy maturnity and increased production leading to an increase in retum
.Secunty tertilizer free of sodum, chlorides, sulfates and heavy elements in addition to easy trading
.Used on al types of crops startng from the initial stages of growth as it encourages the growth and spread of the radical
total in addition to its necessity in grain crops as it s essential in the formmation of seeds and the fulness of pods.

Technical information

Nitrogen ND


Phosphorus (P205)


Potassium K20)
